Thematic Maps & Ebola website has many different types of thematic maps. A thematic map is a type of map or chart especially designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area. These maps "can portray physical, social, political, cultural, economic, sociological, agricultural, or any other aspects of a city, state, region, nation, or continent".
Your textbook discussed a deadly disease called cholera. It spread through contaminated water during 1854. John Snow (doctor) was able to figure out the source by plotting out the cases of sickness. (He made a thematic map!) The same can be true of a very deadly disease that is spreading through Africa, Ebola.
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Your textbook discussed a deadly disease called cholera. It spread through contaminated water during 1854. John Snow (doctor) was able to figure out the source by plotting out the cases of sickness. (He made a thematic map!) The same can be true of a very deadly disease that is spreading through Africa, Ebola.
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Step 1: Watch video on Below
Step 2: Population Map of AFrica
Below is population density map of Africa. Middle map is of past Ebola breakouts in Africa. Click on link to see bigger.
Step 3