THe MEn Who built America
Ankeny Standard: 8:01 Analyze the role of individuals and groups within a society as promoters of change or the status quo and how an individual is impacted by society.
Learning Target for this section: 1. How did capitalism, new innovation, and inventions help transform the US into an industrial society? Success Criteria: 1A: Students can explain capitalism and cite specific examples of how capitalist investments spear new inventions and ideas. 1B Students can describe how new improvements in communication transform the US into an industrial society. 1C: Students can describe how new improvements in transportation transform the US into an industrial society. 1D: Students can describe how new improvements in energy industry transform the US into an industrial society. 1E: Students can relate past industrial giants to current day to current day innovations |
The entrepreneurs
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Then decide which of these men had the greatest impact on society? Be ready to defend your answer in class as we do NCAA tournament style discussion.
Then decide which of these men had the greatest impact on society? Be ready to defend your answer in class as we do NCAA tournament style discussion.